Sunday, November 13, 2011

Why One Vagina is not Enough?

     Last night while out with friends, I asked that very same question. I mean don't they all look alike and feel the same, or am I clueless to the fact that some are bedazzled and some are bejeweled. Anyways back to the issue at hand, "Why One Vagina is not Enough?" Well it's simple, why would it be. I say this because, LADIES we have to understand the game. The game of dating that is. At one point in every woman's life she has asked herself, "Why do men cheat?" "What did I do wrong?" "How could he do this to me?" "When did he have time?" "Where did I go wrong?" Men are programmed from day one to be a Ladies Man, Mr. Playa, Pimp Daddy, and to enjoy the buffet of different women whether beautiful or ugly. Until they meet that one woman who will catch their eye to who they will want to settle down with.
        We know this LADIES, it's not a mystery, so why do we get so frustrated and mad when they let us down. Well because, we put so much faith and trust into someone who clearly is not perfect. In my early twenties I would get so depressed over dating and boys, it literally drove me insane. Things like getting stood up, Running into a bootycall and realizing he is holding a girls hand, but he just saw me last night, and yet that was the first time ever of me hearing about a girlfriend (whew, catch my breath), or meeting a guy and having an awesome time only for him to stop calling and become completely M.I.A. I've been there and it sucks, trust I know. (Plus I have done those very exact things to guys, but that's a whole other blog post.) Here's the thing you have to take those very experiences and move on. You might be thinking what is she talking about move on, it's not that easy. I'm here to tell you, YES IT IS! Don't blame guys for everything, especially while their in the early twenties.
      Let them be. Let them have all the vagina's their little hearts desire, LADIES guys need to sew their oats, have fun, and live the single life (AS SHOULD YOU). Now I'm not saying go sleep around and enjoy the act of casual sex, totally the opposite. We all know men are different then  us, so let them enjoy the single life by playing Mr. Pimp Daddy. Us LADIES on the other hand, lets get to know ourselves in a more positive and responsible way. Don't be the good time girl it doesn't work (I know), take this time of being single as a way to fully enjoy life. Because when it's all said and done, once guys mature and are ready to settle down you will be the prime candidate and here's the thing once you mature and  ready to settle down you will know you don't want a Mr. Pimp Daddy even if he's in retirement:)