Sunday, May 13, 2012

Letting It Go

     I'll be 30 years old in 3 months and I'm really starting to reflect on my life a lot lately. At first I'm not going to lie it was negatively, wishing, wondering, and thinking how did my life become this. When I was 25 I thought by now that I would be married, living in a cute house, with maybe a kitty, puppy, or even a child. Well NEWSFLASH, total opposite, I'm living in a apartment that I really don't care for, totally and completely single  with no prospect insight, and I'm not even going to mention how many bill collectors call me on a daily basis. But there is one thing that I couldn't have predicted and that would be through all this I am HAPPY!!!!
     Instead of beating myself up for not marrying the nice guy that my mom tried to set me up with 2 years ago, or getting depressed because I partied my college years away and took for granted getting a college education. And even sometimes crying because I'm in a financial doozy and maybe if I had a husband my financial situation might be a little bit better. I've decided to embrace the things that I do have and choosing to change my life for the better. Now that I'm older I've decided to date differently, now that I know what I was put on this earth to do, it's time to make it happen. And now that I know how I got myself in a financial mess it's time to get out of it, and to not make those same mistakes ever again.
     See LADIES for once I'm LETTING IT GO! I use to always say it and really think I did just that, but I truly never did. Now that I'm leaving my twenties behind where I made some stupid mistakes, dated the bad boys, and just thought life was all about shopping, partying, and being gorgeous. I'm entering my thirties where I want to find HAPPINESS, my inner PEACE, and to live my LIFE with no regrets.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck girlie.. I too am searching for happiness, peace, and to truly live..
