Sunday, February 13, 2011

Haters can be Motivators

Hello dolls I'm back, and boy do I have alot to talk about. This week I wanna focus on how our haters can be our motivators. For this particular blog really anyone can relate but, I am going to focus on the single ladies and haters can be our dimise. Lets define the term Hater! Well in my terms it means someone who is jealous, envious, and just down right out to make you feel bad about yourself, because in reality they are not happy with themselves. Now when it comes to the single girl this could be her dimise and I feel this way because, most young single girls start out so ambitious, optimistic, and ready to take on the world. What happens is we are so excited that we share our glorius bright ideas to the world thinking they will be just as excited, and guess what, most are not. In my experience in my early twenties I had so many wonderful ideas of spreading my personality around the world and making a difference, my mistake wasn't telling and sharing, my mistake was believing and settling. I was letting people put their shit on me and in turn I was the one being, I guess you could say, shitty. People made me feel ashamed for talking proper, coming from a two parent household, and having goals. One day it got to me, the people accomplished the mission, I let them win. I was trying to please certain people by trying to conform to loserville, lol and not being true to my authentic self. At age twenty five I really was a walking debbie downer, I felt horrible for still being single, I felt horrible for having an awesome relationship with my parents, and get this I felt horrible for just being me. The sad part was the people who put these crazy thoughts in my brain were suppose to be my friends, co-workers, and even some family members. These people were suppose to be my positive support system, not negative debbie downers themselves. One day I realized nobody can make you feel bad about yourself unless you really do feel bad about yourself. Thats when I knew I had to get myself together. Doing positive activities like going to church, reading self help books, and surrounding myself around positive people is what and is still helping me get my happy back. Now I can spot negative people a mile away and I run for the hills. There are 3 types of haters 1. The blunt hater, now these people have no shame in telling you right off the back you can't and won't do it. 2. The picker, pickers are like little wood peckers they just peck, peck, peck until they have pecked all your layers away leaving you valnerable and easy prey. Lastly we have the manipulater hater, you really have to be careful with these people, usually these are friends, co-workers, and family members who make you feel like they have your best interest at heart but, in reality they are sabotaging. I finally am now able to embrace the fact that I'm single and yes I talk proper and I'm not ashamed that my parents help me out. I made a vow that I would never ever again compromise myself  because somebody else is not comfortable around me , beacuse in reality I make them feel insecure. Not my problem!!!!!! Ladies has anyone ever tried to make your feel bad about your dreams and goals. Have you ever compromised your authentic self so people wouldn't talk about you anymore. Share!!!!!!!! In the year 2011 do something about it, thats my goal!!!!! Whats yours!


  1. Great outlook. Some of the things I've admired the most about you is how proper you talk and your bright friendly smile. Don't lose or change those.

  2. Thanks for defining Haters for us Rondi, you couldn't have said it better. I totally understand, I had friends & family who I use to kick it with all the time but ever since I started moving up in the world relationships started getting shaky & I would always get teased because of owning homes, new cars, great job, etc. As far as you talking proper, I call it talking educated & as far as you being single I am 36 & single and NOT SETTLING for nobody. Oh I get teased for being single & not married & its usually by the ones with dead beat men or cheating ass men or both, hanging on their arms. I made the same promise you did for 2011 & that is to be true to myself, stay away from haters & make a man step up they game because we women are toooooo worthy to settle. Holla!!!!!
